Female Candidate Not Allowed to Appear in Entrance Test by Tezpur Institute for Wearing Shorts The examination conducting authorities chose a centre for the test in the G.C.P.Tezpur.
Asom khobor Tezpur 16 seb :
In a shocking incident, a female candidate was not allowed to appear in an entrance test by an educational institute authority for wearing a half-pant in Tezpur, Assam today. This year’s Agricultural Entrance Test was held for admission into the state agricultural college today. The examination conducting authorities chose a centre for the test in the Girijananda Choudhury Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tezpur. A female candidate arrived at the centre to appear in the test. But the centre authority did not allow her to enter the examination hall as she wore a half-pant shorts. The decision embrassed her and she called up her father detailing the adverse situation she faced. Then, her father reached the spot and tried to buy a pant for his daughter. But before that, the centre authority brought a curtain and gave it to the candidate. Then, she wore the curtain and was allowed to enter the examination hall for appearing in the test.